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Introduction to Splore

What is Splore?

Splore is a single place for you to manage your business knowledge. Be it for research or customer support, Splore creates smart agents based on your data (e.g. Webpage, Files, App Integrations, etc.) and make these agents easily accessible for your users to interact with. 

With Splore, you can:

  • Centralise knowledge access in one place
  • Enable search and chat across your knowledge base

Having Splore streamlining you knowledge access, be ready to enhance and level up your customer support and employee experience!

What is a Base on

As a company, you can create a Base which serves as your knowledge space in

Within a Base, Splore gives you full control to configure your data sources and AI-agents behavior to deliver the best knowledge access experience for your users.

In the same space, your users can ask questions and get relevant answers to their queries, reducing the workload of human agents thus improving both ends productivity. 

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Base in

How do I create a Base on

Creating a base is easy!

  1. Go to This would be your main business portal in Splore. 

  2.  Sign Up to create your account in Splore.
    • We support Discord, Email, and Gmail to make the process easier!
  3.  Complete your Base profile and make it discoverable to your users

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How do I create an Agent on

Creating an Agent with Splore is straightforward!

  1. In your Base page, click 'Add (+)' in the 'Agents' section.
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  2. Add 'Name', 'Description', and 'Type' for your agents. These information are useful to enhance the context to your agent, enabling it to give more relevant answers to your users.
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  3. To make your agents even more specialised, add the intent or purpose of the AI agent.
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  4. Add data sources. More information about data sources can be found in the sections below.
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  5. Finally, deploy the agents to your preferred platforms and your users can now use your AI Agents.
    • Currently, we support Discord Bot and Splore page deployment, meaning your agents could be accessible from
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How do I configure my data sources?

In your Base, go to 'Agents', and go to the 'Manage Data Sources' section.

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Once you have uploaded your data sources, Splore will crawl and process your data to power the Agent in answering your customers' questions accurately. Therefore, the more data you feed into your Base, the smarter your Splore Agent will become.

In the current version, these are the data sources that Splore has supported:

  • Website (Links)
    • If you want to add only a particular page, simply add the URL of that page. For example, you can add
    • If you want to add a [articular page and its subpages, add /* at the end of the URL. For example,  you can add*
  • Files
    • Splore supports various file types such as PDF, DOCX, and TXT
  • Snippets
    • Snippets is a special data type consisting of short and concise information. It enables you to add data to Splore engine quickly without having to use external sources such as Websites or Files.
  • Q&A
    • Q&A is a specific data type consisting question and answer body. Unlike snippets which are more of free-text form, Q&A has pre-defined format to enable smarter knowledge access.
  • Discord
    • Learn more about how to integrate Discord here.
  • Zapier Integration
    • Learn more about how to integrate Zapier here.

How do I manage the queries to my Agents?

As a Base Owner, you can view all the questions that have been asked to the agents (from any deployment platforms) by going to the 'Conversation' section in the sidebar. 

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Human in the loop (teaching) capability

Splore enables you to improve your AI Agents accuracy over time. In the same 'Conversations' page, you can teach your agent by giving them the specific answer and sources expected for each question. These set of questions with updated answer would then be added to your knowledge base, allowing your AI AI agents to refer to them in the future. 

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How do I invite my Team to manage my Base?

As a Base Owner, Splore allows you to invite your team as a Base Admin to efficiently configure your Base and Agents together.

  1. To invite your team members as Admin, go to 'Settings' in your main Base page.
  2. Choose the 'Team Members' subsection.
  3. Click "Invite Team Member", and invite your team by using their email address.
  4. Your team member will receive an email address with a link. Simply click that link, and your team member will automatically be registered as Admin in your Base. 
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  5. As an Admin, you can help your Base owners in configuring data sources, agents, and conversations.