Extract Agent
Extract Agent - Learn More
Brief Description
Extracts from fund documents, pulling out important financial or fund information making it easier to assess the investment, monitor its performance, and track compliance or changes in the fund’s structure.
Entry Point
On the base page, you can either view existing extractions (by clicking Extractions) or create new ones by selecting an extraction agent.
Creating a New Extraction
Begin by selecting an extraction agent and uploading files in PDF format.
Next, choose an extraction template with predefined fields, as only these fields will be extracted from the document.
Finally, click Confirm to start the extraction process.
During extraction, the uploaded document is displayed on the right and in the middle you can find Extracted fields, including attribute names and values.
Experience 1 (Getting your Extracted Data)
After extraction, the file name and version are displayed, with any changes or re-runs automatically updating the version number.
Once the extraction is complete, click Approve to save it; approved extractions will then appear in the Extractions tab on the base page. The extracted data can also be exported in CSV, DOC, or TXT formats.
Clicking on Extractions displays all available extractions, including:
Extraction Template Used
Status of Extraction
Agent Used to Create the Extraction
Date of Creation
Additional options (accessible via the three-dot menu on the right):
Copy Link
Experience 2 (Reprocessing selected fields)
Feature name
Feature Description
To reprocess specific fields within an extraction, select the Re-run option. Selected fields will be reprocessed.
Experience 3 (Viewing the Activity Log)
Feature name
Feature Description
By selecting Activity, you can view a log of changes made to the document, such as approvals, updates, and re-runs.