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How to Create a Solid Knowledge Base With a Generative AI Answer Engine [Splore explained]

creating AI-powered knowledge bases with answer engines
How to build a knowledge base with a gen AI answer engine?

Do you know why the knowledge base is a crucial asset for any organization?

The Zendesk Customer Experience Trends report reveals that 75% of customer experience sees artificial intelligence as a tool to develop human intelligence and can not replace it. 

Generative AI refers to a category of AI algorithms that can easily create new learning patterns from existing data. By enhancing generative AI, organizations can ensure their knowledge bases are updated in a loop and ensure the quality of information and accessibility for users. 

Adding a generative AI answer engine to your knowledge management system is easy and can provide instant answers. Yes, it is easy, but how will you do that? Which AI answer engine can you integrate easily? Let us discuss this thoroughly.

Here in this blog, we will learn to create a knowledge base with a generative AI answer engine:

What is the Knowledge Base Management in Generative AI?

Knowledge management in generative AI leads to technological innovation. This system not only organizes and retrieves a vast amount of data but also enhances generative AI's capabilities to create new insights and solutions from existing knowledge. 

Integrating a Generative AI knowledge base transforms various data into actionable intelligence that helps businesses make decisions swiftly and efficiently. By enhancing predictive analytics, the continuous culture of learning and optimizing organizational workflow can lead to immense growth.  

 Let’s look at an example for an AI based knowledge management system;

Imagine you have a big library with tons of books, but every time you want to find the latest information, you have to manually look through all the shelves. Now, if you add a Generative AI system, it acts like a super-smart librarian who not only finds the right book for you but also writes new pages based on the latest news, research, or questions people ask. This AI system keeps everything up-to-date and instantly gives you accurate answers, saving you time and effort. That’s how generative AI transforms managing knowledge for businesses!

Also read: The Hidden Cost of Inefficient Knowledge Management( and How AI Answers Saves You Money)

How Generative AI is Adding New Life to the Traditional Knowledge Base?

Generative AI enhances the traditional knowledge base by enabling insights that go beyond static information. Conventional knowledge bases depend on manual data, which has a limited scope. Meanwhile, generative AI uses algorithms to analyze various data, which can generate information quickly and connect in real-time. Additionally, an AI knowledge base powered by generative AI ensures continuous updates and dynamic content creation, making it more efficient than traditional systems. This approach allows organizations to not only store information but also keep it relevant and actionable at all times. 

Here’s how generative AI model disrupts content creation and updates:

  • Automated Content Creation

Generative AI tools can analyze existing knowledge base data and user queries to identify patterns and trends. The algorithms automatically allow the generation to update new content, like FAQs and basic code snippets, freeing up human experts and focus on complex issues.

  • Real-time Update

Generative AI can monitor industry news, research papers, and social media conversations and can automatically update knowledge base entries with current affairs. It ensures users have access to the most relevant and accurate data.

  • Contextual Understanding

    AI answers questions with deeper context, offering insights that go beyond simple facts by connecting related data points across the knowledge base.

The future of knowledge management is bright with AI answer engines. Thus, generative AI for customer support can elevate the potential of our knowledge bases. This empowerment transforms them into accurate engines of learning and innovation in the near future.

Examples of Generative AI Answer Engines

examples of generative AI answer engines

Here is an overview and key features of the best generative AI powered search engines

1. GPT-3 by Open AI

Overview: GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is one of the most powerful language models developed by OpenAI. It uses deep learning to produce human-like text.

Key Features

  • Generates contextually appropriate responses
  • Supports various kinds of applications, like chatbots
  • Continuously learn from various data

2. BERT by Google

Overview: BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) focuses on understanding the context of words in search queries.

Key Features:

  • Provides accurate search results
  • Has accessible navigation
  • Excels in understanding languages

3. Splore

Overview: Splore is recognized as the best AI answer engine. It is designed to handle complex queries and tasks efficiently. What sets Splore apart is its multi-agent architecture and continuous learning capability.

Key Features:

  • Prioritize delivering trustworthy information
  • Regularly updates its knowledge base to stay updated with the latest information and trends
  • Excels in executing tasks that require a deep understanding of context.
  • Capable of understanding and responding to multi-faced questions 

4. Watson by IBM

Overview: IBM's Watson is a flexible AI platform known for its ability to analyze and interpret large amounts of data.

Key Features:

  • Natural language processing and machine learning capabilities.
  • Can handle complex queries and provide data-driven solutions
  • Majorly used in finance, healthcare, and other industries.

All of these answer engines have unique strengths and ways of interacting with the audience. Those looking to harness the power of advanced generative AI answer engines to handle complex queries and tasks should consider Splore today. 

Benefits of an AI-Powered Knowledge Base

benefits of an AI-powered knowledge base

Can a knowledge base for generative AI provide faster solutions?

Well, here’s the answer: A knowledge base powered by AI is essential for customer strategy. Freshwork's report shows that 80% of customers want faster responses from companies.

Let us discuss how an AI-powered knowledge base can be benefited:

1. Enhance efficiency and accuracy in information retrieval.

We live in a world where finding the answer is as easy as asking the question. How? Natural language processing understands user queries even when they are phrased informally. This allows users to find the information they need without spending time on irrelevant articles.

However, AI can analyze past user interactions and identify the knowledge gaps with high search volumes. This motivates companies to prioritize updates and ensure the information remains accurate. 

2. Reduced Workload to Support Team

Say goodbye to repetitive tasks like inquiries! An AI-powered answer engine can quickly analyze repetitive questions and provide options. AI can also act as a virtual assistant for support agents or guide them during live interactions. This process reduces time and improves overall customer satisfaction. 

3. Continues Learning and Improvement

AI-powered answer engines analyze user interactions, search queries, and feedback to identify patterns and trends. This allows them to personalize content recommendations and predict users' future needs. The knowledge base essentially becomes a living document, adapting to users' ever-changing needs. 

4. Improved User Experience and Satisfaction

Imagine you are the user and frustrated by a technical issue. You are not able to find the solution. Now, what will you do? In such cases, an AI-powered knowledge base can be the difference between a satisfied customer and a lost one. 

In such cases, the generative AI answer engine's intuitive interface, natural language processing, and personalized recommendations allow users to find the answers they need quickly and easily. The improved efficiency and reduced frustration lead to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and brand trust. 

In today’s competitive world, an AI-powered knowledge base is an investment that pays off in spades.

How to create a knowledge base with a Generative AI answer engine?

how to create a knowledge base with a generative AI answer engine

Let us dive into developing a knowledge base with a generative AI answer engine:

Step 1: Define the scope and objective

  • Identify the objective: You need to identify the core problem with this knowledge base, such as whether it is for customer self-service, internal knowledge sharing, or something else.
  • Target Audience: Who will use this knowledge base? Understanding their needs and languages helps streamline the content and search functionalities.
  • Expected outcomes: what do you hope to achieve with the AI-powered answer engine? To resolve the issue faster, improve customer satisfaction, or streamline internal workflows?

Step 2: Gather and Organize Content

  • Gather existing content: Get relevant documents, FAQs, and existing resources to populate the knowledge base.
  • Ensure content quality: Ensure accuracy and clarity in your content. Consistency in both tone and style is crucial for a seamless user experience.
  • Focus on user requirements:  Predict user queries and streamline content to address them directly.

Step 3: Integrate Generative AI 

  • Setting up Splore: Follow Splore’s instructions, create an account, and access the platform. Splore’s AI will analyze uploaded content and help you understand the structure of information, domain expertise, and writing style.
  • Data security and Privacy in AI: data security is an important factor when dealing with Splore AI. 

Step 4: Implement and Test

  • User Interface Design: create a user-friendly interface for users to search and access information.
  • Testing and Refinement: test the knowledge base functionality, including search accuracy and the quality of AI-generated responses.
  • Improvement: gather user feedback and update the content based on usage patterns and knowledge gaps.

Remember, a successful AI-powered knowledge base is a living entity. By following these steps and focusing on ongoing improvement, you can create a valuable resource that empowers users and streamlines information access.

Also read: Splore Vs Traditional Search: Why Choose an AI-powered Answer Engine? 

Why Splore?

Here are some reasons why Splore is the best from the rest:

  • Splore empowers users to find the answers they need quickly and efficiently.
  • Splore's natural language processing capabilities allow for a conversational search experience.
  • Splore streamlines knowledge base management.
  • Splore's AI learns and evolves with each interaction.

Ready to Experience the Future of Knowledge Management?

If you are seeking to have a smarter way of running and using information, then Splore is here to assist you. Splore employs state-of-the-art AI that improves your knowledge management in smart ways. Instead of just storing information, Splore's AI can find the right answers quickly, even its own update with new information as needed.

Whether you're looking to improve customer support, provide more information for your team, or make better decisions quicker, Splore can make it all happen. Check out Splore to get an in-depth look at its features and see how this AI technology can transform the way you manage and share information to have even smoother work and faster efficiency. Visit Splore to explore their features and see how generative AI can revolutionize the way you manage and deliver information.


In today's information age, a well-crafted knowledge base is a goldmine for users and organizations. However, managing and maintaining a large amount of information can be challenging. Here's where generative AI answer engines like Splore come in, transforming your knowledge base into a dynamic and intelligent resource.

Book a demo & experience a 30 day free trial!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. Why would I want a Generative AI Answer Engine for my knowledge base?

A Generative AI Answer Engine automatically generates and updates information, ensuring that the right answer is available at the moment, and that correct information is at all times up to date. This saves time and makes it much easier for customers and employees to locate what they are looking for as fast as possible.

2. How is a Generative AI Answer Engine different from a traditional knowledge base?

Unlike most knowledge bases that need to be updated by hand, a Generative AI Answer Engine learns from its users, generates new information and keeps everything up to date-so much faster and more useful when things are changing.

3. How do I set up a Generative AI Answer Engine for my knowledge base?

Determine what you would like your knowledge base to do, collect all information relevant to your task-verified and understandable-and add on the Answer Engine and test it to ensure that it is functioning well before making adjustments as it has constant user reviews that improve the AI and extra learning it undergoes.

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