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The Human Touch Advantage to AI for Customer Service

Written by Vihang Patel | April 4, 2024

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. As such, it is essential to provide them with exceptional customer experience. After all, isn't a happy customer the ultimate goal?

According to a report by PwC, 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. Hence, this puts immense pressure on businesses to meet and exceed growing customer expectations. Further, they also face the challenge of handling the increasing demand for faster response times, making it feel like a race against the clock.

Businesses face several challenges in this area:

  • Lack of Emotional Intelligence: Human agents often find it difficult to assess and respond to the emotions of their consumers.
  • Limitations of Understanding: Even with training, understanding the whole context of a customer's complaint can be difficult.
  • Risk of Depersonalization: As interactions become more automated, businesses risk losing the personal touch that promotes customer loyalty.
  • Bias and Discrimination: Human biases can inadvertently influence how businesses handle customer issues, leading to unfair treatment.

But here’s the big deal: AI for customer service offers a powerful solution to these challenges. By automating repetitive tasks, AI can:

  • Improve efficiency
  • Ensure consistency in customer interactions

This blog explores how integrating AI in customer service with a human touch can overcome challenges, encourage better customer relationships, and ensure personalized and fair service experiences. Read along to learn more!

Benefits of AI for Customer Service

Businesses are switching to AI to improve their customer service operations. As a result, companies can provide customers with quicker, more precise, and customized service.

Here are the benefits of using AI for customer service:

Customer Service Automation

AI for customer service can automate tasks like handling inquiries. Hence, it can update order tracking and resolve basic customer inquiries. In addition, this frees up human agents to concentrate entirely on more challenging issues, enhancing overall efficiency.

24/7 Availability

AI offers consistent support around the clock, regardless of location or time zone. Therefore, customers can get the help they need anytime, which improves satisfaction and loyalty.

Data Analysis

AI can analyze customer data to personalize recommendations, predict requirements, and proactively provide solutions. Thus, it offers solutions, utilizing customer service automation to streamline these processes.

Improved Accuracy

AI reduces human error in tasks like data entry or order processing. Consequently, businesses can maintain higher accuracy and reliability in their operations, which boosts customer trust.

The Human Touch Advantage: Why Humans Remain Crucial in AI-driven Customer Service

AI for customer service is shifting how companies relate to their customers. It can handle regular inquiries, provide rapid responses, and function around the clock, consequently improving productivity and functionality. However, it is essential to recognize AI's limitations.

Here are the key limitations of AI:

  • Complex Situations: It struggles with complex or multifaceted problems that require sophisticated knowledge.
  • Emotional Responses: AI lacks genuine empathy, which is essential in emotionally charged interactions.
  • Contextual Understanding: It may misconstrue context, giving rise to incorrect or unsatisfying responses.

Human Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Human agents excel in situations where empathy and emotional intelligence are essential. They understand and respond to customer emotions, build rapport, and provide personalized support. Hence, this ability to connect on a human level encourages trust and loyalty, something AI cannot replicate.

Creative Problem-Solving

Human agents bring creativity to problem-solving, offering customized solutions to complex issues. Unlike AI, which uses pre-programmed algorithms, human agents think beyond the box. They may look at a problem from multiple perspectives and devise novel solutions to customer concerns.


Informed decision-making is another area where human agents shine. Hence, their experience and judgment are crucial for making decisions that align with company values and customer satisfaction. 

Here are the critical aspects of their decision-making skills:

  • Contextual Analysis: They consider situations within the broader customer history framework and the company's objectives.
  • Judgment Calls: They make decisions that balance the customer's current requirements against long-term business goals.
  • Flexibility: They adapt to particular situations with flexibility and understanding that often exceeds the powers of AI.

As such, while AI for help-desk is a game-changer, integrating human touch ensures a balanced approach. Thus, businesses can enhance customer engagement by combining AI's efficiency with human empathy, creativity, and decision-making. 

Also, check out "Innovative Ways to Boost Customer Engagement with AI."

The Perfect Blend: A Human-Centric Approach to AI for Customer Service

Integrating AI can significantly boost efficiency while maintaining the essential human touch in customer service. Hence, a human-centric approach ensures that while AI manages daily tasks and data analysis, human agents remain at the forefront of customer interactions.

  • Personalized Interactions: AI can evaluate customer data and generate personalized recommendations. As such, the integration of human touch can add empathy and understanding to these interactions.
  • Efficient Problem-Solving: AI quickly finds and categorizes challenges. As a result, it enables human agents to focus on more complicated problems that necessitate a refined solution.

Seamless Handoff: Ensuring a Consistent and Positive Customer Experience

Achieving a smooth transition between AI and human agents is imperative to deliver customers an enjoyable experience. Let’s look into how a well-designed handoff makes customers feel appreciated and supported throughout the entire process:

  • Clear Communication: Design AI responses to manage customer expectations.
  • Integrated Systems: Use integrated platforms that allow smooth transitions and real-time updates.

Training and Upskilling: Maximizing the Human-AI Collaboration

Training human agents to effectively work with AI tools is vital for optimizing customer service. The overall service quality improves when agents are skilled in interpreting AI data and collaborating with these systems.

Here are some key points about it:

  • Enhanced Capabilities: Provide training regarding AI tools to enhance the agent's skills. Thus, this will help to quickly access relevant information and provide faster solutions.
  • Data Interpretation: Teach agents how to analyze AI-derived data insights, resulting in more knowledgeable personalized customer interactions.
  • Collaborative Environment: Promote a collaborative culture in which human agents and AI systems collaborate to provide better and more efficient service.

Employing AI for help desk could drastically change the way organizations connect with their customers. Companies may maximize the endless possibilities of AI while retaining the essential human touch by stressing a human-centric strategy, seamless handoffs, and ongoing training.

This balance further guarantees that customers get the best of both scenarios: AI precision and human empathy. Thus, the advantages of AI in customer support services are undeniable.

The Customer Journey with AI and Human Support

Mapping the customer journey is critical for understanding how AI and human support could function together to further enhance the customer experience. Let's explore how this relationship functions in the awareness, consideration, purchase, and retention phases of the purchasing process.

Stage 1: Awareness

Potential customers are just getting to know your brand at the awareness stage.  As a result, AI can be rather helpful in this situation by using chatbots to respond to initial queries and data analytics to better tailor ads. 

Stage 2: Consideration

Customers are evaluating their options during the consideration phase. Thus, AI can assist by providing personalized recommendations based on browsing history and previous interactions. Nonetheless, the human-centric approach also plays a role here, given that it may meet each consumer's wants and preferences. Thus, it results in a more fulfilling and trustworthy purchasing experience.

Stage 3: Purchase

The blend of AI and a human-centric approach can streamline the buying process. Hence, AI can manage daily tasks such as processing payments and sending order confirmations. Meanwhile, human agents can help with any last-minute questions or complications that might arise. As such, this dual approach speeds up the buying process and also furnishes reassurance to customers.

Stage 4: Retention

Retention is all about keeping up a strong relationship with customers. Thus, AI can help by looking into customer behavior and predicting future needs. As such, it enables businesses to offer timely and relevant promotions. AI-powered solutions can also automate follow-up emails and feedback questionnaires. Yet, the human touch remains vital because it adds a personal element that builds trust and emotional connections with customers.

Real-World Examples of Human-Centric AI

Splore's AI answer engine exemplifies a human-centric model that leverages generative AI to improve customer and employee experiences. This intelligent and intuitive AI offers conversational dialogue using natural human language. Hence, it provides precise and quick results to users through vast databases.

Key Features of Splore:

  • Multichannel Integration: Splore integrates seamlessly across various platforms. Thus, it ensures a consistent customer experience on social media, email, or your website.
  • Improved Reach Through the Database: The extensive database allows Splore to pull accurate and relevant information swiftly.
  • Accurate Answers: Splore delivers precise answers that meet customer queries effectively by understanding context and nuances.
  • Immediate Resolution: The AI’s capability to offer immediate responses reduces wait times and enhances customer satisfaction.

The integration of AI for customer service with human support creates a powerful synergy that boosts customer experiences throughout the buying process. From initial awareness to post-purchase retention, AI handles routine tasks and provides data-driven insights. Meanwhile, the human touch offers the empathy and personal touch that customers appreciate.


AI for customer service offers a robust tool for modern businesses looking to enrich efficiency & customer satisfaction. As such, companies can furnish quick and reliable responses to customer inquiries while maintaining a personalized touch. Thus, this can be done by blending AI capabilities with human empathy. In addition, this approach strengthens customer relationships, thereby promoting loyalty and trust.

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